EBSCO航海王 – 你蒐集航海圖了嗎?



  • 活動對象:全台EBSCO資料庫訂購用戶
  • 活動時間:
  • 活動獎品:
    – iPhone 15 (128G)將於活動結束後抽出
    §§ 大寶箱獲取資格:參加者必須皆完成兩階段活動,才能參加最後的大寶箱抽獎 §§
     小寶箱兩階段各100名 – 先搶先贏,想要成為航海王,就要以最快的速度獲取三張航海圖,即可獲得7-11禮卷100元,搶完為止!(每人限得一份)
  • 活動方式:
    最後的大寶箱得獎者,將會公布在 EBSCO 臉書粉專(EBSCO Taiwan)。
  • 如何寄送獎品:
     抽獎完成後將透過 EBSCO Line官方帳號或email通知得獎者(同一人於活動期間內只能得到一份7-11禮卷,大寶箱不在此限)。
     得獎者必需於三日內回覆 Line 訊息或是 email,逾時將另抽得獎者。
     大寶箱將寄送到得獎者所在的學校或機構圖書館(室),請得獎者憑有效證件 (如職員證或學生證) 於收到通知10日內至圖書館(室)領取。

航海王尋寶好工具~航海圖1 Get!

說明:EBSCO Passport 可以讓你免於在網頁和圖書館頁面之間來回切換的困擾!讓你在茫茫的網路大海中快速連結到全文內容。請觀看我們的1分鐘下載教學(https://youtu.be/9fisfD99ZZk),之後就可以輕鬆在網頁上找到你需要的全文!
了解更多EBSCO Passport的詳細介紹:瀏覽器擴充工具EBSCOhost Passport


  1. 下載EBSCO Passport 瀏覽器擴充工具(僅適用Chrome具和Microsoft Edge)。
  2. 點開EBSCO Passport 瀏覽器擴充工具,搜尋你所屬單位/學校的英文名稱。
  3. 將有Setup complete. You may close this page to continue your research.的畫面截圖後,上傳到雲端表單即可。(請三項任務完成後,再到表單上傳截圖)

航海王怎麼導航~航海圖2 Get!


在商店中搜尋EBSCO即可下載,點我了解更多EBSCO Mobile App安裝的相關介紹:
EBSCO Mobile App – 快速啟用指南
EBSCO 行動App– 安裝與認證常見問答


  1. 請在Apple App Store或Google Play中搜尋EBSCO即可下載EBSCO Mobile App。
  2. 完成App認證或登入成功後,請搜尋任意關鍵字,打開一篇HTML或PDF全文,接著用手機截圖,再上傳到雲端表單即可。(請三項任務完成後,再到表單上傳截圖)

航海王也需要進修~航海圖3 Get!



  1. 請報名並參加以下任一場WebEx線上課程。
  2. 課程結束後,課程講師會提供QR Code供掃描集點。
  3. 將集點畫面(請參考下圖範例)截圖再上傳到雲端表單即可。(請三項任務完成後,再到表單上傳截圖)
已開課課程註冊連結如下,未開課的課程清單請留意課程網站行事曆 :
2023年11月15日, 星期三 14:00 - 14:30
新 EDS 整合查詢介面簡介
2023年11月16日, 星期四 11:40 - 12:00 

Subhead Name of Asset

One or two sentences about the asset that would be interesting for the person who filled out the form on the page before this. It is meant to draw the reader in to continue their user journey interacting with our materials.

Subhead Name of Asset

One or two sentences about the asset that would be interesting for the person who filled out the form on the page before this. It is meant to draw the reader in to continue their user journey interacting with our materials.

Subhead Name of Asset

One or two sentences about the asset that would be interesting for the person who filled out the form on the page before this. It is meant to draw the reader in to continue their user journey interacting with our materials.

Subhead Name of Asset

One or two sentences about the asset that would be interesting for the person who filled out the form on the page before this. It is meant to draw the reader in to continue their user journey interacting with our materials.

View Asset

Subhead Name of Asset

One or two sentences about the asset that would be interesting for the person who filled out the form on the page before this. It is meant to draw the reader in to continue their user journey interacting with our materials.

View Asset

Subhead Name of Asset

One or two sentences about the asset that would be interesting for the person who filled out the form on the page before this. It is meant to draw the reader in to continue their user journey interacting with our materials.

View Asset


最後~別忘記留下你的航海王印記! 三項任務都完成後,一起上傳你蒐集到的三張航海圖到雲端表單,並留下你的聯絡方式,這樣我們才能將寶箱跟禮卷寄送給你喔!