請問下方的四篇文章,您覺得哪一篇比較適合推薦給有憂鬱症的朋友閱讀。請點選您可以下載全文的文章,點擊下方按鈕上傳給我們。 (請於校園或機構的IP內或透過電子資源遠端登入後點擊,因為各家學校訂閱資料庫不同,您可能會遇到沒有結果的頁面,如有,請點擊另篇文章)
- Brief Report: Contextualizing University Students' Depressive Symptoms: History, Continuity, Stability, and Risk.
- The Effects of Depression on Leisure: Varying Relationships Between Enjoyment, Sociability, Participation, and Desired Outcomes in College Students.
- Intervention effect of long-distance running on depression of college students
- Mental Health and Academic Performance of First-Year College Students