E-Books That Change the Way Students Learn
In Collaboration with Sage Publishing, EBSCO eBooks is proud to offer four unique subscription collections that contain high-quality e-books for academic and nursing students.

Not Your Average Collection of E-Books!
These unique e-book collections offer solutions for students looking for textbook alternatives, quick reads covering essential topics and unrestricted access to 60 essential nursing textbooks.
Little Quick Fix Series:
Give students quick but authoritative answers to the problems, hurdles, and assessment points they face as part of a doing research, formulating a project proposal, or coming up with a research design.
Super Quick Skills Series:
Packed with practical, positive advice on core academic and life skills, students will benefit from the focused tips on strategies to use straight away. These books help to build core skills while making complex topics more digestible.
Very Short, Fairly Interesting & Reasonably Cheap Series:
Each book in this series takes a core area of the curriculum and turns it on its head by providing a critical, sophisticated overview of the key issues in an informal, conversational, and often humorous way.
Transforming Nursing Practice Series:
This collection provides pre-registration student nurses with unrestricted access to more than 60 essential textbooks addressing core topics from a nursing degree.
These extraordinary subscription collections are only available through EBSCO. Complete the form to request more information and how to order from an EBSCO representative.