The Power of Data

High Tech Campus, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

28 September 2023, 10:00-15:00 h.

EBSCO delivers exceptional content and technology solutions to corporate institutions, empowering employees to build soft skills, meet research and development needs, and succeed in the workplace.

In September 2023, EBSCO is hosting "The Power of Data" - a day filled with information, open discussions and networking opportunities for librarians, researchers and SaaS/technology specialists, in technical and corporate institutions. You will learn how to bring together the best in content, technology, and user experience to transform the way research gets done.

Participation is free of charge.


9:30-10:00 Registration, coffee & networking
Analytics and insights for better decision making
11:00-12:00 Emerging trends and technologies in digital library services
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Power of data and its integration and interoperability
14:00-15:00 Q&A / Panel Discussion
15:00 End

What you will learn

  • Discover how to leverage advanced visualization and next-generation cloud technology to streamline data and uncover insights for better decision making both for resource budget as well as for content portfolio optimization.
  • Corporate research requires reliable and trustworthy resources and technologies. Learn what current trends are emerging and which technologies are part of these emerging trends.
  • Find out how you can centralize data across your online information resources and manage resources more efficiently with real-time data sharing between the tools and interfaces of your choice.


Sandra Mickwitz

Sandra Mickwitz

Regional Sales Manager
Dutch- and German-speaking Europe
EBSCO Information Services

Frank Bertsch

Frank Bertsch

Sales Director
Dutch- and German-speaking Europe
EBSCO Information Services