In support of this large campaign, we’d like to share a video that helps visualize our point. The information is relevant to your everyday life.
Story 2: Second piece of collateral
In support of this large campaign, we’d like to share a free infographic that helps visualize our point. The information is relevant to your everyday life.
Watch Cori Lynn Arnold (Washington College), Stephanie Kaceli (Cairn University), and Jesse Koennecke (Cornell University) speak with EBSCO moderator Christopher Holly about their libraries' transition to using FOLIO.
Answers to Questions
Find all the questions that were asked during the live session and their answers here.
The Library of Congress is migrating to the FOLIO Library Services Platform using EBSCO FOLIO services, as part of a plan to revolutionize the management of its collections.
When you purchase an ILS, you also expect your vendor to provide excellent service. Meet the people who make up EBSCO FOLIO Services and will provide you with superior levels of expertise and care.
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