Bring the Platinum Standard to Your Digital Magazine Platform
Bring the Platinum Standard to Your Digital Magazine Platform
Flipster is your library’s trusted resource for bestselling digital magazines. Affordable pricing and a seamless, user-friendly platform are just two reasons why Flipster is a six-time MLA Platinum Award Winner.
Flipster is your library’s trusted resource for bestselling digital magazines. Affordable pricing and a seamless, user-friendly platform are just two reasons why Flipster is a six-time MLA Platinum Award Winner.

Discover the Platinum Digital Magazine Experience
- High Accessibility Standard: EBSCO has made great strides in accessibility with the goal of providing a superior digital magazine reading experience to all readers. Some recent updates include an enhanced desktop viewer that is more compatible with screen readers and an improved VPAT score that allows libraries to better evaluate our platform. Learn more.
- Peace of Mind: Flipster recently received the highest platinum distinction from the Modern Library Awards for the sixth year in a row proving it is a reliable, secure, and trustworthy platform for libraries. Learn more.
- Wide Selection: Browse more than 1,200 digital magazines from top publishers including TIME Inc., National Geographic, Condé Nast, Cricket Media and more. Some top magazines are only available to libraries through Flipster.
- Reliable, Remote Access: Gain anytime, remote access to magazines from virtually any browser, and quickly download magazines using the enhanced Flipster iOS and Android apps (also compatible for supported Chromebooks.)
- Compatibility: Flipster magazine articles are discoverable within EBSCOhost and EBSCO Discovery Service results.