What you will learn
During this informative webinar, we will showcase the powerful features of EBSCO eBook Manager and demonstrate how libraries can use it to:
- Tend to your entire eBook collection: Gain a comprehensive view of your eBook collection, including all your EBSCO eBooks, subscriptions, shared collections, and purchase types, in one convenient location.
- Harvest valuable insights: Analyze usage data to identify popular titles, track underutilized resources, and make informed decisions to optimize your collection.
- Prune your collection: Weed out titles that may be obsolete, so the focus stays on the freshest most relevant e-books available.
- Maintain a prosperous eBook ecosystem: Set custom download controls to tailor access to individual titles based on your specific needs and budget.
- Nurture and grow your collection: Efficiently manage eBook purchases and upgrades, ensuring your collection stays healthy and vibrant.
Whether you're a seasoned EBSCO eBook manager user or just getting started, this webinar will provide valuable insights and practical strategies to help your library thrive in the digital age.
Robin Corder, eBook Sales Specialist for EBSCO Information Services
Robin Corder is an eBook Sales Specialist for North America with more than 8 years of experience supporting customers with their e-book needs. She's passionate about empowering librarians with the right tools to create optimal user experiences.